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Many homeowners have it right in wanting to select the best Residential deadbolt for their budget. On the other hand, the process of doing so isn’t exactly simple. The market is so full of a myriad of deadbolts, all with various specifications, it is often very tricky for the typical individual to decide on which deadbolt works best suited to their safety requirements. In this blog entry, the expert home security technicians at San Jose Locksmith will give you a bit of information regarding the process of choosing the best residential deadbolt.

Best Features for Residential Deadbolts

Bumping and Picking Protection

You need to get a Locksmith Near Me deadbolt that has the most recent technological updates to protect your home from criminal bumping and picking attacks. One option is the Kwikset Smartkey or Mul-T-Lock lock range, which provides high quality Protection Locksmith far superior to that of their foreign, knock-off competitors.

Material Durability

You want to make sure to buy a deadbolt made of the strongest possible material. Less trong deadbolts have arisen out there at lower prices comprised of vinyl stuff and a sense reduced amount of alloy. Make sure to buy a deadbolt that offers a high quality metal construction — we recommend the Schlage 560p deadbolt series that marries a mid-range price with a high metal content. As a general rule, locks that locksmiths carry and market directly to customers are generally far superior to the exact same type of lock purchased online right by the user. And as another constant rule, high security deadbolts will offer you the very best amount of protection.

Lock Bumping

Lock bumping is a Sort of criminal entry that’s less well known than lock picking. Lock bumping is a way to get into a lock with no key, and without having your criminal entrance efforts detected. Deadbolts need to have locked bumping proof attributes directly built in. Other locks like the Schlage 560p are complete with anti pickin gand anti bumping pins.

Why High Security Deadbolts are Worth the Investment

High Picking, Drilling, and Bumping Protection

Normal lock cylinders are controlled using a key that’s only shielded by the pins that raise or descend their shear line with the key when it is inserted into the lock. But, high Security locks utilize additional shear lines through creation of dimple cuts inside the key, and/or sidewinder grooves down the key’s side — and even magnetic protection. High security deadbolts are also constructed to destroy drill bits, protecting you from criminal drilling efforts.

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