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Need Emergency  Security Locks Systems ?

Call Professional Locksmith in San Jose (408) 614-7772

Locks and their use and functions are not for the home or vehicle. An oft forgotten subject worth writing about is those security locks and devices. Those are in use and high demand for the large commercial and industrial buildings. High Security Locks Systems, Duplicate keys have been a thorn in the side of many a business owner.

And safe keeping of these keys is a very high priority. One motivation behind the expansion, growth. Technology of high-security lock systems is to aid in the ability to control duplicate keys. Key control is a very important part in lock security. The use of patented key blanks. Which can only be distributing by the lock manufacturer is an effective method. For stopping the ability to duplicate a key at different locations.

Looking for Key Replacement? Call Us Now (408) 614-7772

Another important aspect to high-security locks are the utility patent. Which excludes other companies or individuals from making any similar products? For up to a twenty year period. Being aware of the utility patent and the amount of time it has left will ensure higher levels of security., There are a variety of brands that produce Locks Systems of a range of security levels.

It is a good thing to be aware of these security levels as these too will aid in. What type of security lock system you will need and your locksmith can determine this for you. To be sure the locks you are considering for your business are of a high degree of security look. For the UL listing which will be in the form of a symbol on the face of the cylinder or on the items packaging to state. That a door lock or cylinder is well suited for this purpose.

Need Locksmith in San Jose? Call Us Now (408) 614-7772

To earn a UL listing the product, a trial model, must pass attack and thorough performance tests. And must meet strict guidelines of construction. A few of the requirements that must be meeting are that the product must have at least one thousand key changes. The device has to be constructing of bronze, brass, stainless steel. Or other like material able to resist corrosion that can stand up to UL’s salt spray corrosion test. The locks must not be compromise or be open during the attack test. Which use hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, jaw-gripping wrenches, saws, chisels, electric drills, picking. And key imprisoning tools and puller mechanisms. The unit must also operate as it is intend during ten thousand complete cycles of operation. Not exceeding a rate of fifty cycles per minute.

When on your list of high security products there is a need for dependable Locks Systems. An essential part of the understanding, installation, service. And repair of these systems requires a skilled tradesmen in the locksmith industry. With the know-how and ability to perform to your businesses needs and standards. And solve all your problems in this area.

So, if you need house lockout service, call Auto Locksmith San Jose today.

Do You Need Expert Locksmith Services? Call Us Now (408) 614-7772

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